How to engage Gen Z with your marketing campaign

Some products are meant for young people, but sales are not going well because the company doesn't know how to address the target audience. Other products that are meant primarily for older users could also be sold to young people with the right marketing campaign. Here are four tips on how to engage the youth market.

Social networks

The first tip that obviously comes to mind is, according to Forbes, presence on social networks. Presence alone doesn't mean much by itself though. You have to engage users through originality, you have to be active in interacting with users, reply to requests and create catchy campaigns. Otherwise the investment put into social media might just be wasted.


Young people are more idealistic, engaged and open to new ideas than older people. Don't just focus on glorifying your product; share stories, inspiration and your company's philosophy. Young people are willing to pay extra for products with a story, an idea or a higher goal behind them.


Generation Z doesn't really like to read long articles and detailed technical descriptions of products. You should make everything visual. Instead of describing your product using the written word, use a video. Instead of charts, use infographics, and instead of anonymous testimonials, use photos of real clients and let them tell their stories.

Diversification within millennials

Many inexperienced marketers, especially from the older generation, think that there is a universal recipe for selling to young people. However, this group is diversified to many sub-groups in terms of demographics, economics and pure spirit. Don't make the mistake of trying to engage all these groups of consumers through a “cool” campaign that is trying hard to be “in” and is very obviously intended for younger audiences. Some of your prospects might have a negative reaction.



Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website

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