Generation Z: selling successfully to young customers

Young people have always been and will continue to be bearers of the desire for change, innovation and revitalisation of old orders. During the past several years, their demands have played an important role in changes in customer service and overall interaction between companies and clients, as well as in the increasing use of AI. If you do business with young people and want to meet their expectations, you should focus on the following points within customer service.

Multiple communication channels

Millennials expect to be able to contact your company via various channels. According to a LinkedIn Pulse article, you should offer customers a whole range of ways of interacting with the company. If you still rely solely on the telephone, such an approach will not bring you much success with young people.

Online shopping

The digital revolution has brought changes to the ways we shop. Millennials are all for these new trends. For young people, the difference between having to visit a brick-and-mortar shop and receiving goods via mail or in digital format is so vast that it can significantly influence their decision on whether or not even to make a particular purchase.


Young clients care about brands. This is not just a matter of blind trust as young people often have enough time to research, get the opinions of others and talk about services with their peers. But when a brand proves to be a quality one, they are willing to stay loyal to it.

Open non-stop

Young customers are definitely not fans of the 9-to-5 opening hours of customer service. They expect services to be available non-stop. This is linked to their expectation of many things being automated and digitised, or that AI will be employed, so there will be no need for intervention from a real-life representative of the company.



Article source LinkedIn Pulse - LinkedIn blogging platform

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