Are addressees ignoring your e-mails? You are unable to induce a sense of urgency

Why do many e-mail offers remain unanswered, or even deleted? The answer is simple - the salesperson is not able to create a sense of urgency in clients and fails to call them to action or at least answer. We present you ways how you can create urgency in electronic messages sent to prospects which you can use both in mass e-mails and individual personalized messages.

Mention a competitor of the addressee

According to Sales and Marketing, one of the efficient ways of making the client curious is to mention their competition. For instance, you can write to the client what their biggest competitor is planning or which companies in the sector are your clients. Nobody wants to be left behind, you will engage the clietn.

Temporary offers

Limiting the time validity of the offer is a classic among above-mentioned methods. The "limited series" technique works on a similar basis, of course, and also provides certain exclusivity to the product.

Expectations of clients

Mention the current situation with clients of the given company and emphasize what the customers expect. You should ideally have the information grounded with a specific research or statistic. At the same time, you should offer a solution that complies with these demands.

A near-future event

Offer the prospect an opportunity to get ready for a situation that is nearing. It might be a positive thing (a sports event taking place close, a unique business opportunity), but also a negative thing (regulatory interference, limitation, an expected downswing). Your product should help your client make use of these situations, or at least survive it without harm.



Article source Sales & Marketing Management - a US website for salespeople and marketers

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