Every successful sales call goes through these six phases

Telephone sales as a selling technique achieved a very unpopular reputation among salespeople. Most people do not like phone sales, though it is in vast majority of cases an inherent part of the business profession. Many businesspeople have an uncertain fear of addressing clients over the phone. But if you proceed in a systematic way, you might actually enjoy phone sales. But you must stick to certain steps and you must know what you must achieve in the individual phases of the call. 

This general outline has been published by Forbes.

First phase: Introduction

You are presenting not just you, but also your product and how the prospect can benefit from it. All this must be done in a short, straight-to-the-point manner so that you make the client curious.

Second phase: Building rapport

Create a good atmosphere through informal talk, find out what the prospect is interested in and what his/her priorities are. This phase should be only very short and it should not keep you from getting to the business stuff.

Third phase: Needs analysis

Ask the prospect questions and let them talk. Your task in this phase is to find our what his/her requests and priorities are.

Fourth phase: Presentation of the product

It is necessary that you do not present the product by itself but that you put emphasis on the benefits that the use of the product will provide to the client.

Fifth phase: Pricing

The aim is to naturally proceed to the question of price, timeline and contract signature. Before getting to this phase, you must be positive that the prospect has no objections or doubts, if yes you must handle them first.

Sixth phase: Recap and sale

Go through what you agreed on, define a timeframe of the whole process, ask for a referral and close a sale.



Article source Forbes.com - prestigious American business magazine and website

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